[English follows Japanese]

Pasqalは韓国に現地法人を設立し、量子コンピューティング、研究開発、産業における専門知識を提供する。KAISTは、Pasqalの科学顧問を務めるJaewook Ahn教授をはじめとする量子分野の著名な研究者を擁し、「量子大学院」を通じて人材育成に貢献する。Daejeon(デジュン)市は、KAISTを含む地域の関連研究機関、企業、大学との協力体制を構築し、Daedeok(デドック)経済特区でのPasqalの活動を発展させるために必要な支援を提供を計画している。

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Pasqal Partners with KAIST and the City of Daejon to Enhance the Quantum Ecosystem in Korea
Pasqal, one of the leaders in neutral atom quantum computing, has announced a partnership with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Daejeon City. This collaboration aims to enhance the quantum ecosystem in Korea and globally.
Pasqal, having established its local subsidiary in Korea, brings its expertise in quantum computing, R&D, and industrial manufacturing. KAIST contributes with its renowned researchers in the quantum field, including Professor Jaewook Ahn, who serves as a scientific advisor to Pasqal and will continue to nurture talents through its “Quantum Graduate School”. Daejeon City plans to establish a cooperation system with related research institutes, companies, and universities in the region, including KAIST, to provide necessary support to help Pasqal develop its activities in Daedeok Special Economic Zone.
This partnership not only solidifies Pasqal’s commitment to quantum research and development but also expands its global reach, linking major quantum ecosystems in Europe, North America, and Asia through strategic hubs in Paris, Sherbrooke, and Daejeon. The collaboration is expected to significantly advance knowledge and tools in quantum computing, strategically benefiting all parties and contributing to the growth of Korea’s quantum ecosystem.
Additional information about this three-way collaboration can be seen in a blog article posted on the Pasqal website here.
Quantum Computing Report
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