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[富士通] QuTech(デルフト工科大内の量子技術研究機関)に富士通が新たな研究開発拠点設立。デルフト工科大とのダイヤモンドスピン量子コンピューティングの研究開発を加速させる目的。期間は約4年半。富士通は同大との量子制御の共同研究で、ダイヤモンドNVセンターを用いて世界初のダイヤモンド中スピン量子ビットの誤り耐性操作に成功している。

[English follows Japanese]


そしてこの度2024年1月25日に、研究体制強化ため「Fujitsu Advanced Computing Lab Delft」をQuTech内に設立した。設置期間は約4年半(2024年1月25日から2028年9月30日まで)。QuTechはデルフト工科大学応用科学学部(所在地:オランダ・デルフト市)にある。







様々な条件下での流体力学シミュレーション向けの量子アルゴリズムを構築することを目標とする。従来技術では実現が困難であった数値流体力学を可能とするアプリケーションを開発し、モビリティ分野における空力設計などの実問題を用いた実証実験を通じて有効性を示していく。 将来的には、誤り耐性量子計算(FTQC)向けとして、広い空間領域の粒子の動きを高精度に予測可能にする流体シミュレーション技術の実現を目指す。



「Fujitsu Advanced Computing Lab Delft」の主要メンバー


  • 佐藤 信太郎 (富士通株式会社 富士通研究所フェロー兼量子研究所長)

  • 河口 研一 (富士通株式会社 富士通研究所 量子研究所 量子ハードウェアコアプロジェクト リサーチディレクター)

  • 菊池 慎司 (富士通株式会社 富士通研究所 量子研究所 量子アプリケーションコアプロジェクト シニアプロジェクトディレクター)

  • マティアス・ミュラー(デルフト工科大学 准教授)

  • ロナルド・ハンソン (デルフト工科大学・QuTech 教授)

  • ティム・タミニアウ (デルフト工科大学・QuTech グループリーダー)

  • 石原 良一 (デルフト工科大学・QuTech EEMCS学部 准教授)

デルフト工科大学(QuTech) 応用科学学部(所在地:オランダ・デルフト市)






QuTech and Fujitsu realise the fault-tolerant operation of a qubit

Nature 掲載論文:



QuTech(は、デルフト工科大学とオランダ応用科学研究機構(TNO)が共同で2014年に設立した量子技術研究機関。オランダ政府は2015年にから10年間で1億3500万ユーロ(約217億円)をQuTechに投資。また、2020年2月には今後5年間に2350万ユーロ(約38億円)を量子技術分野に投資することを発表している。QuTechの研究およびエンジニアリング活動は 3 つの部門に基づいて組織されている。

(1) 量子ビット研究(ノイズから保護された新しい量子ビットを開発する研究)

(2) 量子インターネット(地球上のあらゆる2つの場所の間で量子通信を可能にする技術を開発することを目標。遠隔地のユーザーやプロバイダーがクラウドで安全な量子コンピューティングを実行することを可能にする)

(3) 量子コンピューティング(ハードウェアとソフトウェアのさまざまなレイヤーを開発。量子ビットが非常に壊れやす炒め、量子誤り訂正に基づくフォールトトレラントな量子コンピューティング-FTQC-を実現するアプローチ)

= = = = = =

[QuTech Press Release, Jan 25, 2024]

Fujitsu and Delft University of Technology establish new quantum lab

Industry-academia collaboration hub Fujitsu Advanced Computing Lab Delft at Delft University of Technology to drive development of advanced quantum computing technologies.

Fujitsu and Delft University of Technology today announced the establishment of the Fujitsu Advanced Computing Lab Delft at Delft University of Technology, an industry-academia collaboration hub dedicated to the development of quantum computing technologies. The new collaboration hub will be positioned as part of the Fujitsu Small Research Lab initiative, which dispatches Fujitsu researchers to technology incubators at leading global universities to conduct joint research with some of the top researchers in their fields, including professors as well as the next generation of innovators.

The Advanced Computing Lab will be established at world-leading quantum technology research institute QuTech – a collaboration between Delft University of Technology and the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) – and aims to accelerate R&D of diamond-spin quantum computing, a technology that Fujitsu and Delft University of Technology have been jointly researching since October 2020.

In addition, the two partners will further advance the development of real-world quantum applications, and aim to realize innovative fluid simulation technologies that apply quantum computing to the field of computational fluid dynamics, where large-scale and complex computations represent an ongoing challenge.

Vivek Mahajan, SEVP, CTO and CPO, Fujitsu Limited, comments:

“Strengthening our collaboration with Delft University of Technology offers a chance to unlock new possibilities in quantum. With Fujitsu’s top-class technologies and talented researchers from one of world’s leading institutions in this exciting field, we can further work toward potential breakthroughs in quantum hardware development, while nurturing a new generation of innovators.”

Prof. Tim van der Hagen, Rector Magnificus/President of the Executive Board at Delft University of Technology, comments:

“At Delft University of Technology, we develop and deliver technology-driven, innovative solutions to societal problems and explore potential applications of quantum computers in a broad range of fields. TU Delft is the ideal place for industry and science to collaborate on advancing this key technology. We are very proud that Fujitsu, building on their already successful collaboration with QuTech, has chosen the Netherlands and Delft to establish their Advanced Computing Lab.”

Tim van der Hagen, Rector Magnificus, President of the Executive Board at Delft University of Technology and Vivek Mahajan, SEVP, CTO and CPO, Fujitsu Limited.

Photo credit: Fujitsu/Dave Cassan.

Dr. Shintaro Sato, Fellow SVP & Head of Quantum Laboratory at Fujitsu Research, Fujitsu Limited, comments:

“We have been working closely with Delft University of Technology on diamond spin qubit technology for the past three years—I am proud of what we have achieved together so far, and I am confident that this new lab will form the foundation for fruitful future collaboration. We are excited to extend this collaboration deeper into the field of quantum applications, and hopefully produce results that surprise the world.”

Kees Eijkel, Director of Business Development at QuTech, Delft University of Technology, comments:

“At QuTech we build scalable technologies for Quantum Computing and a Quantum Internet. We value our strategic partnership with Fujitsu in Quantum Computing. It is a partnership that is founded on our complementary strengths and a shared vision for economic impact. We are very proud that Fujitsu has chosen Delft, with its exceptional concentration of quantum talent, as the location for the Advanced Computing Lab. We are excited about the prospect of extending our already deep and significant collaboration to additional opportunities that Delft presents.”

Collaboration to focus on diamond-spin quantum technology

As part of efforts to strengthen collaboration with cutting-edge research institutions through global open innovation, Fujitsu has been conducting basic research and development into quantum computers using diamond-based spin qubits with TU Delft.

To date, the two partners have been conducting R&D on quantum computers using diamond-based spin qubits with the aim to create a blueprint for future modular quantum computers that can scale beyond 1,000 qubits. To make practical quantum computing a reality, Fujitsu and Delft University of Technology have been conducting research on associated technology layers, from the device level to control systems, architecture and algorithms. As a result, the two partners realized the world’s first fault-tolerant operation of spin qubits in a diamond quantum processor using the diamond NV center method.

Fujitsu and Delft University of Technology are further working to improve the performance of qubits by integrating SnV centers, which are gaining increasing attention as high-performance diamond spins, in scalable nanophotonic devices showing efficient single-photon coupling (arXiv: 2311.12927).

The two partners have established the Fujitsu Advanced Computing Lab Delft to further strengthen their cooperation and enhance the collaboration and research framework for the development of advanced computing technologies based on quantum technologies. Moving forward, Fujitsu and Delft University of Technology will position the new hub as a leading industry-academia research and development center in Japan and the Netherlands, and promote further collaboration including the development of talent that is able to lead the development of solutions to societal issues using advanced computing technologies.

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